Thursday, October 11, 2007

Build your popularity with Link exchanges

One of the ways to build your online popularity, and website traffic, is to exchange links with other websites. Traditionally, this was done the tedious, slow way: by individually contacting other websites, adding their link onto your links page, and then waiting - hoping - that the linked site's webmaster will get back to you and agree to post your link onto their website.

Slow, tedious, boring.

Luckily, there are better ways to approach the link building problem. There are several websites out there now whose sole job is to help you connect with other websites to perform link exchanges:

1. Link Metro - This site is awesome. Simply open up a new account, list your websites in the account, and then go to their directory and start looking for websites you'd like to link to. Once you've found a website you want to link to, simply click on the 'request link' option for their listing, add their link to your links page, and voila! the link request has been initiated. Now, simply sit back, and wait for the other website to approve your link. And, once your website has gotten enough accepted link requests and gained in popularity, other people will start contacting you for link requests. Simple and easy. I love it.

2. Link Market is another link exchange site, just like Link Metro. The difference is that they want to charge you $25 a year PER WEBSITE for you to have the ability to make unlimited link requests per day, and they make you open up a new account FOR EACH website you have. That's a pain in the ass in my book. But, fledgeling Internet Marketers can't be choosers, and they do have a ton of websites listed on their service, so the extra work on this website may be worth it - it still a lot easier than the bad 'ol days...

There are other Link Exchange services out there - just do a google search for 'Link Exchange' to find them.

A NOTE: While you will be able to build up a nice base of backlinks using this service, you probably won't find a PR6 whale waiting to link to you on their home page in these services. For the most part, they are populated with other websites like yours - fledgeling Internet Marketing sites looking for more exposure. If you want PR6 backlinks to your site and you don't even have a Google PR yet, your best bet is to pay for exposure on a high PR website or directory. More about this in further posts.


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