Monday, October 22, 2007

A Highly SEO-Optimized Website Template

I'm making available a highly SEO-optimized website template that I use to get 100% relevancy rankings with search engines. If you want proof, navigate over to Domain Tools and enter the domain Check out the SEO score. Need I say more? I have several websites that score like this using the same template. I put up one website about a month ago that got on page one of google for my keywords within four days. Not bad.

The template itself is in php, and I'll include a readme file to describe how it works. basically, it's a snap to use and takes just a few minutes to add all your content to. There's no link maintenance, and there's adsense, amazon, and ebay affiliate pages integrated with the template. This is an awesome start to a money-making website. I use it myself on several sites that are making me good money every day.

There's a catch - the only way to get this template is to sign up for my newsletter. So if you want the template, just fill out your name and email address in the newsletter sign-up area on this page, and you'll get an email soon with instructions on how to get it.

1 comment:

S. Kumar said...

Great posts!

In fact, I have joined your newletter and waiting for the template to arrive.

Courteously -- S. Kumar